Walter Carrington Thinking aloud Directing Sketchnoted

§15. Directing
(Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)


« The process is greatly a matter of time and patience, not being thrown and upset by the fact that the detailed knowledge of the working of the musculature of the body is limited. It doesn’t matter (…), so long as you’ve got the overall appreciation of the situation. That will be sufficient, and that will carry you forward. »

Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud

This is my sketchnote of the fifteenth talk on the Alexander Technique by Walter Carrington from the book Thinking aloud.

Previous talk: §14. The Importance of a Teacher’s Use (Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)
Next talk: §16. Ethics (Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)
Table of contents:Thinking aloud (Walter Carrington)

Walter Carrington Thinking aloud Directing Sketchnote

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