Walter Carrington Thinking aloud Directing Sketchnoted

§21. Hands on the Back of the Chair
(Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)


« People can get more practical benefit from doing this than almost anything else. With the exception of the breathing aspect of things, if you can do this procedure properly, it just about takes care of everything for you. »

Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud

This is my sketchnote of the twenty-first talk on the Alexander Technique by Walter Carrington from the book Thinking aloud.

Previous talk: §20. Non-doing (Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)
Next talk: §22. Whispered Ahs (Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)
Table of contents:Thinking aloud (Walter Carrington)

Walter Carrington Thinking aloud Hands on back of the chair Sktechnote

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