Walter Carrington Thinking aloud Directing Sketchnoted

§4. Lengthening in Stature
(Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)


« It’s terribly easy to form a concept and imagine something and kid ourselves that we really know all about it and what it is like, when we can’t possibly know all about it until we’ve actually realized it. »

Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud

This is my sketchnote of the fourth talk on the Alexander Technique by Walter Carrington from the book Thinking aloud.

Previous talk: §3. Generating the Energy to Go Up (Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)
Next talk: §5. Spinal Twists (Walter Carrington, Thinking aloud)
Table of contents:Thinking aloud (Walter Carrington)

Walter Carrington Thinking aloud Lengthening in stature

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